
Consult With Me Today!

From haircare solutions to reimagining your hair growth possibilities, we have the expertise you need to restore your hair.

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Trichology Assessment

A 75 minute consultation consists of the following:

A comprehensive consultation includes a detailed client profile information on medical history, medicines, hormonal challenges, family history and genetic makeup (male or female pattern balding), lifestyle, diet, hair care routines.

With a consultation (in person or online), we look at available options and personalize a treatment plan based on your goals and need.

  1. Noninvasive – getting to the “root cause” by analyzing and identifying the causes.
  2. Visual and physical examination of the hair shaft and scalp with a camera
  3. Hair counts, hair card test, fluorescent light transmitted microscopy (fungal infection of scalp)
  4. Hair pull test
  5. Hair shaft abnormalities
  6. Blood work results review
  7. pH of body


Have a safe and easy online consultation from the comfort of your home.


Visit the Hair Is In Salon for an in-person hands on consultation from our experts.