A 75 minute consultation consists of the following:
A comprehensive consultation includes a detailed client profile information on medical history, medicines, hormonal challenges, family history and genetic makeup (male or female pattern balding), lifestyle, diet, hair care routines.
With a consultation (in person or online), we look at available options and personalize a treatment plan based on your goals and need.
Noninvasive – getting to the “root cause” by analyzing and identifying the causes.
Visual and physical examination of the hair shaft and scalp with a camera
- Hair care management
- Scalp massage and manipulation therapy
- Nutritional recommendations
- Scalp exfoliation and hair shaft detoxification treatment services.
- Low level laser therapy
- Hair care product routine recommendations
- Medical recommendations
- Scalp balance and oxygen treatments.
- High frequency and light therapy
- Cranial prosthetic, prp, transplant recommendation
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A therapeutic and wellness approach to hair, scalp and body detoxification and cleansing are highly encouraged.
- Hair Care is an Extremely Important Process -
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A daily probiotic, a healthy balanced diet, exercise, proper hydration and nutritional supplements and yearly blood tests are required to maintain healthy hair.
- Healthy Body, Healthy Hair -
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As with any condition, the sooner you get to the “root cause” and adhere to a realistic treatment plan, the sooner you’ll get the desired results.
- Finding the ROOT CAUSE -
Have a safe and easy online consultation from the comfort of your home.